Open Table Communities
As a church, we prioritize both gathering weekly in front of the stage for worship, teaching, prayer, and liturgy as well as gathering as a church around a table in homes for a shared meal, the practices of Jesus, and community; we see these as two pedals to the same bike - both are needed to move forward in our pursuit of Jesus.
Our ultimate aim is to practice the way of Jesus together in community. This is the primary way we see discipleship taking shape in the life of Ridgeside City Church. Community takes time, commitment, and intentionality. We want to foster communities that are commited to being deeply formed by Jesus.
Have you been to Basics?
Basics is the first step of the Ridgeside Pathway: a path to integrate into the Ridgeside Community. We ask everyone to attend Basics before joining an Open Table.
Basics is a two-part course introducing who our church is and what it means to be a genuine part of this community. At the end of all of this, our goal is for you to know who we are, what we believe, and what it means to be actively present in and committed to the Ridgeside CIty Community.